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2018 Dependent Rating Methodology

Currently, children ages 0-20 are in one premium age band. Effective 1/1/18 for new and renewing business, children ages 0-20 will follow the new Federal uniform age curve:

  • One age band for children 0-14; and
  • Separate single age bands for children 15-20

In addition to the increase for single age bands from 15-20, the 0-14 age band premium ratio has also increased:

Age 2017 Ratio 2018 Ratio % Change
0-14 0.635 0.765 20.47%
15 0.635 0.833 31.18%
16 0.635 0.859 35.28%
17 0.635 0.885 39.37%
18 0.635 0.913 43.78%
19 0.635 0.941 48.19%
20 0.635 0.970 52.76%
21 1.000 1.000 0.00%

Although the three oldest children under 21 will continue to be used for rating, all families in 2018 will see an increase in child premiums from the higher ratio, including children in the 0-14 age band.

For questions, please ​contact a member of your B&P Sales Team - 888.722.3373.