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Easily quote and evaluate Small Group plan options with bpQuote!
We wanted to inform you that HealthConnect is currently experiencing technical issues with their California and National quote engines. Their team is working around the clock to restore the quote engine to full functionality.
bpQuote added a "Highlight Differences" checkbox to three reports to help identify benefit changes between Current and Renewal plans. The three reports are the Side by Side, Side by Side Detail, and EE Rate Side by Side.
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Tune in to learn the basics of quoting with bpQuote! This video will walk you through how to create a quote and give you some best practices and quick tips that will help make the quoting process as efficient as possible.
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bpQuote Sample Reports & Resources
bpQuote offers a variety of reports to help you evaluate small group plan options for your clients. Visit our bpQuote Sample Reports & Resources page for examples of the reports available in bpQuote and resrouces to help you quote plans easily and efficiently.