Aetna Benefit Corrections Retroactive to 1/1/21
The Department of Insurance asked Aetna to make the following benefit changes to their 2021 plans, retroactive to January 1, 2021. These changes have been made to bpQuote.
1. Update In-network Habilitation from 0% Deductible Waived to match PT/OT/ST copay on the following plans:
- CA Platinum MC 90/50 0 Ded
- CA Platinum MC Savings Plus 90/50 0 Ded
- CA Platinum MC AWH SoCA 90/50 0 Ded
- CA Gold MC 80/50 350 Ded
- CA Gold MC Savings Plus 80/50 350 Ded
- CA Gold MC AWH SoCA 80/50 350 Ded
- CA Silver MC 70/50 2250 Ded
- CA Silver MC Savings Plus 70/50 2250 Ded
- CA Silver MC AWH SoCA 70/50 2250 Ded
- CA Bronze MC 60/50 6300 Ded
- CA Bronze MC Savings Plus 60/50 6300 Ded
- CA Bronze MC AWH SoCA 60/50 6300 Ded
2. Update the Specialty Drug coinsurance on the CA Gold PPO 80/50 1000 Ded.
3. Update the Pediatric Vision Exam on the following plans:
- CA Gold MC 80/50 1500 Ded
- CA Gold MC Savings Plus 80/50 1500 Ded
- CA Gold MC AWH SoCA 80/50 1500 Ded
4. No longer combine the Rx/Medical Deductible, instead, Rx Deductible will now be $150 for an individual and $300 for a family on the following plans:
- CA Silver HMO Ded $50/75 2550 Ded
- CA Silver HMO AVN $50/75 2550 Ded
- CA Silver HMO Basic $50/75 2550 Ded
- CA Silver HMO AWH SoCA $50/75 2550 Ded
- CA Silver HMO $50/75 2550 Ded
For questions on these changes or help with a requote, please contact a member of your B&P Sales Team – 888.722.3373.