Aetna Extends New Business Deadlines Starting with April 1, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Aetna has extended their new business deadlines. Their new cutoff date will be:
- 5th of the month for 1st of the month cases
- 20th of the month for 15th of the month cases
Please submit Aetna groups to B&P at least a day before the due date so we can ensure a clean and complete submission. Incomplete cases will be moved to the next effective date. If the cutoff date falls on the weekend, the case will need to be submitted by end of day on the Monday following.
Additionally, Aetna will extend a relaxed participation promotion through December 31, 2020 effective dates:
- 25% participation for groups of five or more enrolled subscribers
- 65% participation required for four or fewer subscribers enrolled
Aetna will allow one other Carrier HMO and/or PPO alongside. Participation with another carrier is not considered a valid waiver
For questions or help with Aetna quote, please contact a member of your B&P Sales Team - 888.722.3373.