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Anthem COVID-19 Conversations: New COVID-19 Response Toolkit for Brokers

Anthem's COVID-19 Resource Center now includes a COVID-19 Response Toolkit to help you and your clients respond to the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether your clients are facing a reduction in workforce, preparing to reopen the workplace, or want vaccine information to share with their employees, Anthem has you covered. Their new, online toolkit features ready-to-share flyers, tools, and other resources ─ all in one place.


Here are some of the current materials you'll find to download and share:

  • COVID-19 vaccine information
  • An easy-to use decision tree that matches Anthem solutions with various business scenarios such as reduction in workforce or affordability concerns
  • Paycheck Protection Program flyer
  • Guidance for displaced employees
  • Workplace reopening decision support


Anthem even has some helpful resources to help you advise eligible clients about Specialty buy-down options, Medicare, and Medicaid.


It’s easy to access the COVID-19 Response Toolkit. Visit Anthem's COVID-19 Resource Center and select the Employers & Producers tab at the top of the page. Then click on the COVID-19 Response Toolkit button.


Anthem is committed to updating the toolkit regularly with new and helpful resources. Bookmark the COVID-19 Response Toolkit and check back often for updates. They have also included a Share Feedback button so you can tell them what you think of the new toolkit and make suggestions on other materials that would be helpful to you.


For questions, please contact a member of your B&P Sales Team - 888.722.3373.