In early April, Anthem will launch an email campaign that automatically converts members to receive their Explanation of Benefits (EOB) and legally required notices in a paperless or electronic format. Anthem ran a similar campaign last year, and this year's campaign is part of that ongoing effort to capture any members who may have missed out on their opportunity to go paperless.
Members don't have to do anything to opt in to paperless communications. Anthem will automatically convert them to the new process, unless they decide to opt out. When there's new information for members, like an EOB or a benefit update, Anthem will send an email alert. Members can check out the details securely on Anthem's website. This way, they always have the most up-to-date information when they need it, and it's quicker, easier and more convenient for them.
How the campaign will run
The first email lets them know that they will be converted to paperless communications in 30 days. But it also gives them instructions on how to opt out and continue receiving their information by snail mail, if that's their preference. In fact, they can switch back to getting paper updates at any time.
The second email will deploy 31 days later to those members who did not opt out. This email lets them know they have been converted and that they now have easy online access to plan updates. If they don't open this email, Anthem will mail them a letter with the same message. Anthem will also confirm whether they have the correct email address and, if not, will ask them to update their information on the secure member website.
Who's impacted?
Only subscribers who have not gone paperless and whose email addresses are given to Anthem through group enrollment files or other enrollment methods will receive these campaign messages.
For questions, please contact your B&P Sales Team – 888.722.3373.