Anthem Plan Downgrade Option Through 12/1/20
Anthem recently announced they will allow plan downgrades through December 1, 2020.
If an employer offers multiple plan options and does not add a new less expensive plan design, will Anthem allow employees to switch plans?
Anthem will allow currently covered employees to switch to a lower priced option if one is offered. This is not considered to be an open enrollment. This option is available for through Dec. 1, 2020. No retrospective plan changes will be allowed. The amount of the deductible and out-of-pocket max that has already been met will accumulate towards the deductible and out-of-pocket maximum in the less expensive plan design that the employees switch to. For groups undergoing a system migration it may take longer than 10 days to implement the accumulators. Note that the employer should review its cafeteria plan document for qualifying event options to ensure compliance.
Can an employee switch to a less expensive plan during the policy period?
Anthem is extending their flexibility on this policy that was set to expire on August 1, 2020 until December 1, 2020. Anthem will allow currently covered employees to switch to a lower priced option if one is offered. This is not considered to be an open enrollment. This option is available through December 1, 2020. No retrospective plan changes will be allowed. The amount of the deductible and out-of-pocket max that has already been met will accumulate towards the deductible and out of pocket maximum in the less expensive plan design that the employees switch to. Note that the employer should review their cafeteria plan document for qualifying event options to ensure compliance.
For questions, please contact your B&P Sales Rep - 888.722.3373.