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Anthem's Find Care Combines Care Directory and Cost Estimating in One Tool

Members can now find high-quality, affordable care using Find Care on the Sydney Health app or Find Care gives members an integrated, transparent way to find care and compare costs.


Members can easily find the information they need to compare doctors, dentists, hospitals, and other facilities in one tool. Find Care helps members find healthcare professionals and facilities in their area. It also helps them understand the costs they'll pay out of pocket for procedures, and how to shop for the best value.


Find Care offers:

  • The ability to search for healthcare professionals and facilities by name, specialty, or procedure
  • Cost estimates for 700 common medical procedures, based on member benefits
  • Available telehealth options in search results
  • Integrated primary care doctor selection
  • Results customized for each member's health plan benefits and location
  • Estimated dental costs for 100 common dental procedures for all Prime and Complete network dental plans


Find Care replaces Anthem's Find a Doctor and Estimate Your Cost tools. Members who currently use Care and Cost Finder will also start using Find Care this month.


For questions, please contact a member of your B&P Sales Team - 888.722.3373.