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Are You Certified With CCSB?

More and more brokers are writing their first case with CCSB! As a reminder, brokers writing CCSB for the first time must be certified. The certification process is simple and will ensure your new case does not get held up due to the broker's certification approval.


Here are the steps to become certified if you would like to sell CCSB and not Covered CA Individual & Family Plans:

1. Apply to become a Certified CCSB Agent – be sure to indicate if the broker is a sole producer or if they work at an agency (this impacts how commissions are paid).


2.Be sure to indicate if the broker plans on selling IFP only, IFP and CCSB, or CCSB exclusively (No IFP). The appropriate boxes need to be checked:**


3. Complete On-Line Training – the agent gets an ‘invitation’ to CCSB’s University to watch a video, about an hour for CCSB only. No test afterwards, but there may be a question or two during the video to be sure a human is watching it.


4. Receive and sign Agent Agreement through DocuSign, and that form STD204 is included (for CCSB), include E&O Contract information, and make one-time payment (via link) for $76 to the state (as CCSB is the state exchange).


5. Certification Status – Agent Contracting begins working on completing this process. DOI, Business Services, and CCSB Finance all play a role in this process.


**If agent chooses the IFP/CCSB contract option, it is imperative they ensure to check the box for CCSB when completing the actual contract, and that the contract includes STD204 form which allows CCSB to pay commissions.




For questions, please contact a member of your B&P Sales Team - 888.722.3373.