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ASKCCSB: Adding an Authorized Representative

Covered California for Small Business (CCSB) sent the below ASKCCSB newsletter to Employer Groups on Tuesday, March 30, 2021 at 2:00 PM.


ASKCCSB answers some of the most frequently asked questions that their Call Center receives and this issue covers questions on how to add an authorized representative.


For questions, please contact a member of your B&P Sales Team - 888.722.3373.

Why Authorized Representatives are Important 

Covered California for Small Business (CCSB) is committed to providing employers with the tools and resources to simplify managing your employees' benefits. We created ASKCCSB to answer your frequently asked questions. 


What is an Authorized Representative?

An Authorized Representative is a trusted individual who you choose to act on your behalf to make updates and/or changes to your benefits plan; this can include your Insurance Agent or an Employee.


Why is it important to add an Authorized Representative?

To protect your privacy and the sensitive health information associated with each account, Covered California for Small Business Customer Service can only discuss your account with authorized representatives. If you want to assign an individual to discuss your account, including discussing billing or an invoice, you must add them as an Authorized Representative.


How do I add an Authorized Representative?

If you did not add an Authorized Representative upon your group's signup, you can submit this update through a CCSB Employer Change Form. Visit the "Applications and Forms" page on the CCSB website to download an Employer Change Form. Select the appropriate effective period for the Change Form and click the link to download and print the Change Form.


At the top of page two of the Employer Change Form, you will see the Primary Contact section with the Authorized Representative section directly underneath. 


Fill in the required first name, last name, and phone number of the Authorized Representative you are requesting to be added to your account. Providing an e-mail address is recommended but optional.


Once completed, sign and date the Employer Change Form and submit it to CCSB via the methods listed below:

  • Upload and submit in the MyCCSB portal
  • Fax completed form to (949) 809-3264 OR
  • Mail to Covered California at: P.O. Box 7010, Newport Beach, CA 92658



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