bpQuote Adds Spanish Worksheets & New Sort Option
bpQuote has rolled out two new enhancements to the quote engine.
1. There are now Spanish versions of the Employee Worksheet ACA report and the New Hire Worksheet report as shown below. Headers, footers, and Benefit Categories are translated in the reports, but each plan is not. View a sample of a New Hire Worksheet (PDF) in Spanish for reference.

2. There is a new Plan Type/Network Size sort option on the Proposal Options page which will first sort plans by Plan Type and then by Network Size (ex. all broad HMOs before moving on to narrow HMOs and then HSA plans, etc.). This new Sort Order option can also be used in conjunction with one of the Page Break options as shown below.

For questions on these enhancements, please contact a member of your B&P Sales Team - 888.722.3373.