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bpQuote Rolls Out Multiple Enhancements

bpQuote has rolled out a variety of new enhancements that will make quoting and navigating through the quote engine easier.

  1. Adding Infertility & Metal Tier filters to the Table Rates and Benefits page. 
  2. Adding a "Remap Default Renewal Plan" button to the Review Group Data page that allows the user to refresh the automatically mapped Renewal plans. Sometimes these Renewal plans are changed and this button makes it easy to remap them.
  3. On the Review Group Data page, the Employee Information section was modified to remove the large gap of space between the Name field and the remaining fields (DOB, age, etc.). The existing field are just spaced out more evenly now.
  4. On the Proposal Options page, the Employee Worksheet ACA report has a Plans in Package filter. The previous default setting for it was "All Plans" but HealthConnect changed the default to "By Selected Plans from Above."
  5. HealthConnect added headers for Full/Narrow Network to the Employee Worksheet ACA report. They will appear under the Plan Name link.
  6. HealthConnect also removed Groups that were last quoted prior to 1/1/2014. Those were Pre-ACA groups & they cause issues when being recalled/quoted again due to the different census requirements used at the time.

Please contact your B&P Sales Team if you have any questions about these updates - 888.722.3373.