CaliforniaChoice announced plan and rate updates for October 1, 2018 effective dates. Rates are available for quoting!
- A RATE PASS has been offered by Kaiser Permanente
- Anthem Blue Cross, Health Net, Sharp Health Plan, Sutter Health Plus, UnitedHealthcare and Western Health Advantage will adjust rates
Ancillary: RATE PASS
New Plans:
- Health Net Platinum HMO C
- Health Net Platinum HMO D
- Health Net Platinum HMO E
- Health Net Gold HMO C
- Health Net Gold HMO D
- Health Net Gold HMO E
Discontinued Plans:
- Health Net Platinum HMO A
- Health Net Platinum HMO B
- Health Net Gold HSP A
Zip Codes:
Health Net, Sutter Health Plus, UnitedHealthcare and Western Health Advantage will have zip code changes. For details, please contact a member of your B&P Sales Team - 888.722.3373.
Only updated applications for 10/1/18 will be accepted beginning with the 10/1/18 effective date. Earlier versions will not be accepted. Write-ins or cross-outs are not accepted.
The CaliforniaChoice July 2018 Rate Guide is provided below and available on the B&P website.
For questions, please contact a member of your B&P Sales Team - 888.722.3373.