CCSB New Business Submission Deadlines Extension
As Covered California for Small Business (CCSB) continues to address many of the concerns surrounding COVID-19, they wanted to inform you that they are extending their New Business Submission Deadlines through the remainder of the year. In an effort to provide additional time for Small Business Employers to enroll, the remaining submission deadlines have been extended to the 15th of each month.
Please click here to print or download the updated New Submission Deadlines document.
Submissions can be made through:
The MyCCSB portal for faster processing, or by emailing the completed application to
Initial Payments to Effectuate Coverage:
At this time, payments submitted to the addresses below are still being processed as:
- Preferred Method – Employers can pay online using ACH PayNow option once the initial invoice is released.
- Secondary Method – Send check and Step 2 of the Employer Application to either address listed below and include a copy of the check with your submission.
Overnight Lockbox Address:
Bank of America Lockbox Services
Lockbox LAC-740167
2706 Media Center Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90065
Standard Payment Address:
Covered California for Small Business
P.O. Box 740167
Los Angeles, CA 90074-0167
For questions or help with a CCSB group submission, please contact a member of your B&P Sales Team - 888.722.3373.