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Covered CA for Small Business 2024 RxDC Update

Consolidated Appropriations Act, Section 204 Pharmacy Reporting

“Under Section 204 (of Title II, Division BB) of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA),  insurance companies and employer-based health plans must submit information about prescription drugs and health care spending. This data submission is called the RxDC report.” Read full CMS overview here.


Covered California for Small Business (CCSB) serves as an administrator of our participating Health Plan Issuers and is not an insurance company nor an employer-based health plan. Therefore, CCSB is not subject to RxDC data collection requirements on behalf of their employer groups. However, CCSB has been actively engaged with their Health Plan Issuers to understand their approach to meeting the RxDC reporting requirements. Below find a summary of approaches taken by CCSB's three plans. If you have further questions, CCSB encourages you to reach out to the Health Plan Issuers directly.

Blue Shield of California - (800) 559-5905

Blue Shield of California issued a Broker Alert detailing instructions for the submission of group data via an intake form. The deadline for the submission of this form is Saturday, April 19, 2025.


The following information is required to complete the form:

  • Blue Shield Group ID number. This number can be found on the MyCCSB Portal on the Employer Dashboard under the Enrolled Medical Plans section.
  • Web key: #25yr24

Kaiser Permanente - (800) 464-4000

Kaiser Permanente is compiling and submitting the required data on behalf of their employer groups.

Sharp Health Plan - (800) 359-2002

Sharp Health Plan will be contacting their employer groups directly to obtain the required information. In addition, they will be sending a broker and employer alert informing all brokers and CCSB employers of the RxDC reporting requirement.