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Current/Renewal Report Added to bpQuote Excel Export

HealthConnect added the Current/Renewal report to the list of reports that can be exported into a single Excel file. After checking the Current/Renewal box, you can then use the dropdown to get the Summary Current/Renewal report or the get the Full Current/Renewal report.

  • The Summary Current/Renewal report will show a high-level overview of the benefits of Current and Renewal plans, along with the Current and Renewal premiums by employee and the total for the group.
  • The Full Current/Renewal report will show the same information but it includes the one-page full benefits listing for the Current and Renewal plans.

Here are examples of the Summary and Full versions of the Current/Renewal report:


There are now 19 reports that can be combined with this Excel export functionality. Just look for the reports that have the this Excel icon  next to their name. Check the reports you wish to include and then use the Export to Excel button. Each report will show on it's own sheet within the exported Excel file.


Please contact your B&P Sales Team if you have any questions about this update - (888) 722-3373.