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Delta Dental Insider Update for August 2022

Delta Dental provided news and insights for their brokers.


Out-of-network visits and your clients' bottom line 

High out-of-network reimbursements can drive up costs. Here’s what you can do.


Ready for open enrollment?

Don't worry — Delta Dental has your back. Check out resources and materials that will help things go smoothly.


Billing and invoicing just got a lot easier 

eBillPay is a brand-new, user-friendly invoice management system for plan administrators. It makes your clients’ invoicing faster than ever before.


Back to school with a smile 


The pandemic has been tough on kids’ teeth. Help your clients’ employees spruce up their kids’ smiles with these helpful resources.


For questions or help with a Delta Dental quote, please contact a member of your B&P Sales Team – 888.722.3373.