Effective 11/1/23: Cigna PPO Network for Health Net PPOs with OOS Coverage
Cigna PPO Network replacing First Health for PPOs with out-of-state coverage effective November 1, 2023
Health Net is excited to announce a national PPO network administered by Cigna for Small and Large CA-based employer groups. With over one million providers and 6,300 facilities, the national Cigna PPO network offers a wide selection of doctors and hospitals, competitive discounts, and flexibility to support value-driven plan designs.
Members enrolled in PPO plans with out-of-state in-network coverage who access the Cigna PPO network are considered Health Net members who are simply accessing the Cigna PPO network at the in-network coverage level when outside of California.
Effective November 1, 2023:
- New business will have access to the Cigna PPO network
- First Health will be replaced by Cigna PPO for existing members
- Members will be able to find providers through ProviderSearch
Prior to November 1, 2023:
- Members will receive a letter announcing the change
- Members will receive a new ID card which will include a Health Net and Cigna logo and will be mailed with an informational insert
- The Health Net Customer Contact Center will be prepared to answer member questions once Health Net announces to members the change to the Cigna PPO network.
For employer groups, Health Net’s PPO allows great flexibility in designing a benefit plan to meet the unique needs of your groups, while also offering members a wide choice in using in- and out-of-network providers.
For questions, or help with a Health Net quote, please contact a member of your B&P Sales Team - 888.722.3373.