Health Net: 2016 MLR Results
2016 MLR Results
Health Net met or exceeded the MLR standards for individual, small group and large group plans in all regions in 2016.
2016 MLR results were filed with CMS on July 31, 2017.
Additional Information
The federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires health carriers to maintain an MLR of at least 80 percent for Individual and Small Group plans and 85 percent for Large Group plans. The MLR is the percentage of premium dollars a health plan spends on physician, hospital, and other medical services and activities that improve health care quality, including wellness programs.
This requirement is referred to as the “Medical Loss Ratio” standard or the “80/20” or “85/15” rule. If those standards are not met, the company must refund part of the premium. The MLR rule was created to provide more transparency and accountability around health care costs.
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