Health Net: California Senate Bill 78 - California's Individual Health Mandate
Starting January 1, 2020, California Senate Bill 78 (CA SB 78) requires all California residents, including children, to maintain minimum essential coverage or be subject to a state tax penalty (unless they qualify for an exemption).
The state tax penalty mirrors earlier ACA penalties prior to the enactment of the Federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act which lowered the federal tax penalty to zero. Under CA SB 78, the tax penalty will be $695 per adult and $347.50 per child or 2.5% of annual household income, whichever is greater.
For groups with employees who previously waived coverage, Health Net will consider special enrollment requests on a case-by-case basis and the documents below will be required for submission directly to Health Net Account Management:
- Enrollment Form
- Proof of Prior Declination of Coverage
- Proof of Employment
Please contact your Health Net representative for more information or call Health Net Account Management at (800) 447-8812, option 2 or FAX (800) 303-3110. Health Net's Special Enrollment Period (SEP) has an end date of January 31, 2020.
For questions, please contact your B&P Sales Rep - 888.722.3373.