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Health Net: Update to California COVID-19 Benefit Changes

For Commercial Group and Individual & Family Plans


During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), Health Net offered certain COVID-19 benefits at no cost. This was based on federal guidance. These enhanced benefits helped members get care during the pandemic.


The federal PHE for COVID-19 ended on May 11, 2023. Per state guidance, Health Net began resuming normal health plan benefit coverage. 


Following are the most recent updates regarding COVID-19 benefit changes for Health Net plans:

  • Ambetter PPO plan out-of-network benefit changes occurred Q4 2023.
  • Non-grandfathered and grandfathered Group PPO and POS plan out-of-network benefit changes were delayed and did not implement on 11/12/23. Changes will be effective 2/1/24. Impacted employer and members will be mailed letters about the update no later than 1/31/24.
  • Ambetter HMO plan out-of-network benefit changes will be effective 4/1/24. Impacted Ambetter HMO members will be mailed letters about the changes on 1/29/24.
  • Non-grandfathered and Grandfathered Group HMO plan changes are not impacted at this time.


Click here to review the benefit changes.


If you have any questions, please contact your Health Net Account Executive or broker services.