Heath Net Launched California Member Survey
Health Net wants to know what group members think about their coverage with Health Net of California, Inc. and/or Health Net Life Insurance Company.
Health Net is launching an online Net Promoter Score® (NPS) survey for California small and large group business plan members. Health Net is already sending this survey to individual and family plan members as a way to understand what they love about their coverage—and what Health Net can do better.
- Each quarter, 25 percent of group subscribers for whom Health Net has email addresses will receive an email with the survey link. Recipients will be segmented so that no one receives more than one survey per year.
- The online survey is fast and simple with only two questions:
- How likely is it that you would recommend Health Net to a friend, family member or colleague? This is a ranking question where the member chooses from 1 to 10 with 0 being not at all likely and 10 being extremely likely.
- What is the most important reason for your score? This is an open-ended question, encouraging members to provide details about their experience with Health Net.
- The first survey went out on February 23, 2017. A reminder email will be sent one week later to those who have yet to respond. Of course, participating in the survey is completely optional.
For questions, please contact a member of your B&P Sales Team - 888.722.3373.