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Humana Eliminates Dental Waiting Periods for Certain Groups

Effective November 1, 2021, dental waiting periods are being eliminated on new and existing groups that meet the following criteria. Groups must be:

  • 5+ enrolled
  • Employer-sponsored
  • Currently enrolled (still in their waiting periods) and new business (in the process of enrolling) in a 2019 generation dental plan
  • New business with an effective date of 11/1/21 and beyond enrolling in a 2019 generation dental plan


**Please note this change does not apply to: late applicants waiting periods, voluntary groups, groups with 2-4 enrolled, and groups currently enrolled or enrolling in any dental plan except generation 2019.


For questions or to request a Humana quote, please contact a member of your B&P Sales Team – 888.722.3373.