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Kaiser Permanente 2024 RxDC Reporting Update

As part of RxDC reporting under the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), 2021, Kaiser Permanente is required to submit information on prescription drugs and healthcare spending to CMS. To help ensure compliance with the reporting requirements, employer groups must provide the following information:

  • Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  • Form 5500 Plan Number, if applicable (ERISA plans only)
  • Average monthly premium that is paid by employee/member
  • Average monthly premium that is paid by the employer/group


Action Required

Each group will complete the form via survey link on the RxDC page by March 31. Note: The survey link will only be available between February 1 and March 31. Kaiser Permanente plans to submit all applicable reports and required narrative responses for all employer groups to CMS by the June 1 deadline.


What should employer groups do if they miss Kaiser Permanente’s deadline to submit average monthly premium data?

The group can submit the data for average monthly premium directly to CMS through HIOS. If a group wants to submit the data directly to CMS, they should check out the RxDC webpage at It is also recommended that the group should read through the reporting instructions. Sections 1 through 3 of the reporting instructions explain the reporting and submission process. The instructions for P2 are in section 4.2 and the instructions for D1 for average monthly premium paid by members and average monthly premium paid by employers are in section 6.1. Templates for P2 and D1 can also be downloaded from CMS RxDC webpage.


Will Kaiser Permanente accept late submissions and/or corrections?

No, given the data compilation, cleanup, and aggregation needed after Kaiser Permanente receives the data, any requests for extensions or corrections beyond the published due date will not be accepted.


To learn more about the federal regulation and reporting instructions, visit