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Submitting Qualifying Event Enrollments on

You can always send your Qualifying Event changes to B&P for processing, but if you prefer to make changes via, please see the following information on how you or the employer can make these changes online.


Using is an efficient way to make off-cycle, Qualifying Event enrollments. They also have a new feature for uploading supporting documentation.


Qualifying Event enrollment requests are simpler and quicker online

  1. Sign in to
  2. Under quick access links, click Enrollment and choose either New Member or Dependent, depending on whom you are enrolling
  3. Select Reason for Enrollment from the drop-down menu
  4. Under Reason for Enrollment, click the Document hyperlink to view the supporting documentation we accept for off-cycle enrollment requests
  5. Provide the remaining information requested on the page — the Date of the Qualifying Event and the Requested Effective Date
  6. Lastly, on the Review & Submit page, confirm the information shown is accurate and you may use the new, optional feature for uploading supporting documentation


More information

For assistance with, call UHC's web team, toll-free, at (866) 908-5940.