UHC New Sales Bonus (Includes Renewal Bonuses!)
UnitedHealthcare is offering a bonus to agents in California who sell new fully insured medical groups with up to 100 eligible employees with effective dates in 2021. Agents must sell a combined total of 25 enrolled employees in eligible groups to qualify for this bonus program.
Eligible groups are new fully insured medical groups with up to 100 eligible employees in California that have effective dates from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021, and at least 10 employees enrolled for UnitedHealthcare medical coverage. Only agents permanently located in California are eligible for the bonus.
New Sales & Renewal Bonuses
- New Sales Bonus: California agents who meet the qualification requirements of this bonus will receive a bonus of $100 for each enrolled employee in eligible medical groups sold during the bonus period.
- Renewal Bonus: An additional bonus of $100 per enrolled employee will be paid if a group that receives the new sales bonus for 2021 renews coverage in 2022. Another bonus of $100 for each enrolled employee will be paid if the group renews coverage again in 2023.
Bonus Example
- An agent sells a group with 60 enrolled employees for a 2021 effective date. They will get a New Sales Bonus of $6,000 (60 EEs x $100 per EE).
- If the group renews in 2022 with 65 enrolled employees and is active on December 31, 2022, the agent will receive a Renewal Bonus of $6,500 (65 EEs x $100 per EE).
- If the group renews in 2023 with 70 enrolled employees and is active on December 31, 2023, the agent will receive a Renewal Bonus of $7,000 (70 EEs x $100 per EE).

Download UHC's New Sales & Renewal Bonus flyer for complete details.
For questions, please contact a member of your B&P Sales Team - 888.722.3373.