VSP Offering Rate Pass for 8/1/20 through 3/1/21 Renewals
VSP Vision Care is committed to doing all they can to help you and your clients navigate through the uncertainty, as we move toward recovery.
Fiscal certainty for you and your clients
Effective immediately, VSP is automatically extending policies for all clients* with fewer than 1,000 enrolled that are scheduled to renew between August 1, 2020 and March 1, 2021. The extension will allow the client to keep their current rate for an additional 24 months, which helps to provide them with fiscal certainty and stability. It’s VSP's way of helping ease the burden of the current business climate.
August 1, 2020 - September 1, 2020 renewal notices were already delivered. If your clients received a renewal notice for either of those months, please advise your client to disregard that notice. VSP will automatically extend their current rate and policy.
What happens next?
Instead of the typical renewal process, your clients will receive a policy amendment reflecting the extended term and without any change to their existing rates. There’s nothing else you, or they, need to do.
It’s VSP's hope that these measures will make things easier for you and enable your clients to maintain their focus on other essential decisions they are having to make during the COVID-19 pandemic.
For questions, please contact a member of your B&P Sales Team - 888.722.3373.
*Policy extension applies to commercial clients sold through VSP. Clients that are individually rated with higher than normal utilization will not be automatically extended. Should you have a client in this category, your VSP Client Manager will contact you to discuss options, including redesigning their plan to keep their VSP policy cost-neutral.