Help Your Clients Get Their Anthem ID Cards Quicker
Some new and renewing members will get an email with an activation code to register on within 72 hours of completing enrollment. This code lets members go online, register and view their digital ID card right away. Plus, members can set their ID card preference as digital.
But the key is having each member’s email address on file. That’s where you can help. Encourage your Individual and Group clients to include emails with their enrollment files. Anthem will do the rest.
Members won’t have to wait for a printed ID card to come in the mail. They can show their digital card right away from their smartphone, email or fax it to a health care professional right from the app, and share it with family members on their plan.
Anthem has even made it easy to capture the emails. Check out this flier and share it with your clients to encourage email registration.
For questions, please contact a member of your B&P Sales Team - 888.722.3373.